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2025 Spring Softball

Tolland Little League Spring Softball Program 

Please Register Today!!

Registrations are closing earlier this year to form teams and begin indoor softball activities.

Registration closed January 12th for Majors
January 20th for Minors
Farm and Instructional close January 26th
T-ball closes in March
Any registrations after this date are pending availability and will be assessed a $20 late registration fee.

The following are the divisions we will offer for registration at this time. If registration numbers fall to a level where an appropriate numbers of teams cannot be formed, we will likely condense divisions.
Please contact Tori Scott ([email protected]) should you have any questions on the appropriate division.

The 2025 Softball age chart can be found here.

The following are the divisions we will offer for registration at this time. If registration numbers fall to a level where an appropriate numbers of teams cannot be formed, we will likely condense divisions. Please contact Tori Scott ([email protected]) should you have any questions on the appropriate division.

If you have the option to choose multiple divisions for your player/s, please use the Division Reference Guide to help you make your decision.

Softball Divisions:

Softball T-Ball (ages 4-5) - $90 Beginning introduction to the sport. Generally run one day a week as a camp. Players hit off a T.

Instructional Softball (ages 6-7) - $110 Instructional is for children to become acquainted with some of softball basics. We ask that parents consider their child’s readiness for softball. Some children are not ready for the slower pace of softball and become easily distracted. Although coaches make every effort to maintain participation and safety standards, a child who is not physically or socially ready could injure herself or another child.

Farm Softball (ages 7-8) - $110 Farm Softball is a developmental league with the emphasis on softball skills and techniques. Softball pitching with be taught and practiced but coaches will pitch during the games.

Minors Softball (ages 9-10) - $130 The Minors is an entry level division for “competitive” softball. Girls continue to develop their individual skills while learning more about team play. Games will be played against in-town teams as well as some from neighboring towns.

Majors Softball (ages 11-12) - $130 CLOSED The Majors is a more competitive division with increased emphasis on team strategies and individual skills. We field 2 to 3 in-town teams and also participate in a multi-town league.

For Juniors Softball (no payment at this time) we're collecting interest for 13-15 year olds looking to play Spring softball. Please contact Tori Scott ([email protected]) Depending on numbers this may be a town team or merged with a local program. It will require travel in the local area.

New this year, multiple registrants from the same family will have a $20 deduction on 2nd and all subsequent registrations. Please register all players at the same time for the discount to apply.

If you need assistance to cover registration fees, the T-Mobile Little League Call Up Grant offers a simple-to-use application to assist families in need with registration fees. Our goal is to provide resources to get and keep children on the field. Families interested in applying for a grant should click here.

Tee Ball - Little League Softball - Girls

Registration closes on 10/01/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 10/01/2024 to 10/01/2025
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2025 Spring Baseball

Tolland Little League Spring Baseball Divisions

Please register today!! Registration closes earlier this year.

Reg dates November 1st -Feb 1st for A and AA minors baseball. Registrations are closing earlier this year to form teams and begin indoor baseball activities.
Majors and AAA are closed.

Any registrations after division closing dates are pending availability and will be assessed a $20 late registration fee.

The following are the divisions we will offer this spring. New this year, evaluations will be held for all players outside of T-Ball. These will take place over several events. Age, experience level and evaluation will determine placement in a division.

Baseball Little League Age Determination for the upcoming season is based on a September 1st cut off date. The Little League Age Calculator can be found HERE.

New this year, multiple registrants from the same family will have a $20 deduction on 2nd and all subsequent registrations. Please register all players at the same time for the discount to apply.

If you need assistance to cover registration fees, the T-Mobile Little League Call Up Grant offers a simple-to-use application to assist families in need with registration fees. Our goal is to provide resources to get and keep children on the field. Families interested in applying for a grant should click here.

T-Ball $90
Registration closes in March

·      Players Little League Age 4-6
·   Only a glove is needed, bats and helmets are provided.
·      There are no evaluations for this introductory level, and players are assigned to a team.
·      This level will hit off the tee for the season and work on baseball basics.

Minors A and AA:
Registration closes Feb 1st
Register under Minors A and AA (6 - 9yo) Register Here found below.

A Division $110

·      Players Little League Age 6-8
·      Age 7 does not need experience, and age 6 players are expected to have played T-Ball the previous season.
·    This level will utilize a tee, coach pitch, or a pitching machine for the season and will start to develop some pitching.

AA Division $110

·      Players Little League Age 7-9.
·    Players Little League Age 8 typically need at least 1 year experience playing in A.
·      Players are assigned to a team based on prior year coach feedback with the goal of keeping teams balanced.
·   Teams are completely redrafted each year.

Minors AAA:
Registration closes January 12th
Register under AAA and Majors (8 - 12yo) found below.

AAA Division $130 - CLOSED

·     Players generally Little League Age 8-11.
·    Players Little League Age 9 typically need at least 1 year experience playing in AA.
·     A limited number of Age 11 players may be included in AAA if they are not placed on a Majors team.
·   Teams are completely redrafted each year.

Majors Division $130 - CLOSED
Registration closes January 12th
Register under AAA and Majors (8 - 12yo) found below.

·      Players generally Little League Age 10-12.
·      Evaluations are held for this level, and teams are completely redrafted each year.
·      There can be a limited number of 10 year olds in Majors. If a player is Little League Age 10, then they typically must have at least 1 year experience playing in AAA to try out for Majors and should be towards the top of the evaluation scoring.
·      Age 11 players who are not placed on a Majors baseball team will be placed on a AAA team. 

Juniors Baseball is not being offered this spring.

Challenger Baseball - This program has moved to Vernon. Registration will be available here when open.

Tee Ball (4-6yo)

Registration closes on 02/24/2025 at 12:00 AM
Season Dates: 04/05/2025 to 06/15/2025
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